Sunday, January 3, 2010

Good Morning everyone! Today is the 3rd day of Jan 2010. It is also my 63rd birthday. I am sharing it with my Billyangel. We will have a pizza party today at 1:30 and we will be surrounded by friends and family! What a great way to start a new year! His mama is making "our" cake. It will be a humongous Omnitrix. (for those of you who are not into the cool stuff:  It is Ben 10's watch made out of 1 choc cake, 1 white cake and 2 round strawberry cakes.) My daughter is a very talented cake decorated and has made Billys cakes every year since the first one. It was a Blue's Clues cake, #2 was Scooby Doo, then Sponge Bob, Deigo, Spiderman, and last year was Buzz Lightyear! Billy gets to tell her what kind of cake he wants, I can hardly wait to see what his next request will be. I will post a picture tomorrow of Ben 10's Omnitrix.

Now that all of the holidays are over for awhile, I am eager to get back to my beloved quilting. My mom is also wanting some more blocks to sew together. I think I will sandwich and baste a quilt and challange her to hand quilt it. I think she can do  it as long as I keep the batting thin. I will keep you posted on her progress.

My goal this month is to finish up some WIPs. I have been working on an Asian Jar/Attic Window quilt for my BFF and a purple and lime batic for my daughter's birthday in Feb. So I had better get busy because both of these are big projects and I do want to get them done. I am also off to Houston next week for 3 days of clinics for Pfizer. I love being a GetQuit Ambassador and look forward to these trips every month. I have committed to another 12 months and will do them for as long as God leads me to do them. If you or someone you know is struggling with nicotine addiction please direct them to If you or someone you know has overcome that addiction please direct them to to tell their story of how they quit. It is what we do and what we encourage others to do.

I am also asking for 3 people to help me Pay It Forward. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post committing to the PIF challange. In return, you will receive a small hand made gift from me. Then you will get 3 people to sign up and and make gifts for them. It is a fun way to give back a little, its a pleasant surprise for the gift receiver and we get to be creative in what we make. You also get to post the PIF logo on your blog site.

I leave you now with these words:  In this New Year get rid of things that are not useful, beautiful or joyful.

Peace and Prayers


  1. I love the new look of your blog. It is great.

    I should be on the new siggie list and would love to receive one of yours. I have done two and seem to be getting better at it.

    Happy Birthday! Hope that it is a great one! Take care.


  2. Happy Birthday Missd! Yummy! Ben 10 cake... he's all the rage here too!

    Here's to a year full of love, happiness, and of course..... sewing!

    I've been a bit slack with my blog, must do an update soon - still cleaning up the sewing room and trying to finish the beach quilt!

    Happy Sewing!

  3. Hi Missd,

    we just found your blog and loved the Pay it forward chalenge!
    If you still need help to PIF, we'll be ery glad to do it!
    Step by our blog
    (you can translate it!).
    We will add the PIF logo soon!
    Van and Chris
