Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good Day, thanks for visiting! Already it is mid-April. My mom has returned to Illinois, leaving me with 5 quilt tops to finish. She took her own home with her and my sister will quilt it for her. I am missing her already. We both enjoyed the time we spent sewing together. I called her last night and told her I wanted us to do a block swap for 12 months. She was not sure about it, but I convinced her that I really want to do this with her. I want her to go to the fabric shop with my sister and pick out the focus fabric and two border fabrics and make a block a month. I will do the same for her from here. So now she is excited about this and I can sense the commitment in her voice. I know she will follow thru every month on this. I am so excited to involve her in this! It will be good for her and a blessing for me!

My travels for the GetQuit clinics have slowed down for the summer. There will still be seminars, but not as many. If you are anyone you know is addicted to nicotine go to www. freequitsmokingworkshops.com and find a class near you. I now have a lot of sewing time. Some days I am able to spend 6-8 hours in my sewing center! I am all caught up on my block swaps! I have one mini quilt to finish and 8 more Red,White & Blue  blocks for a swap on the Quilting Forum. I am actually working on the 2nd mini quilt because the first one did not turn out right and I am not sending it anywhere. I pulled a rookie mistake and set my blocks the wrong way. They were mini spool blocks and when I put them together they no longer look like spools. I don't like it at all, so I will re-purpose it. I'll just put it on our dining room table, stick a candle on it and call it a table runner! Today I will make a differnt mini for the swap!

Oh yeah....here is something exciting! At the end of this month I am going on a quilt retreat to Vermont. My sisters quild, Champlain Valley Quilt Guild of Vermont, goes to a quilt camp twice a year. This time I am going with them. I have not seen my sister Tammie in 4 years and I have never been on a quilt retreat, so I am excited about both!

Ok...have a blessed day and thanks again for stopping by!

Peace and Prayers

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